About me

Or who is the person behind all this

Who am I?

I'm Joe Sovcik and I love to help people find freedom and realize their dreams.

I value people who stand out from the crowd and don't just mindlessly follow what is told to them.

Experimentation, trying new things and constant hunger for new knowledge run through my blood. I crave to understand how, and most importantly WHY something happens. This made me try and learn about many different things. I can't help but learn about all aspects of this life and then combine that knowledge in unexpected ways. It brings me joy to create or discover something new.

Though I've always been a problem solver I also discovered and developed my creative side and now I'm combining these talents to make awesome things that help both the business and the end-user.

How do I keep myself sharp

I’m addicted to podcasts and as I’m a good auditory learner these sort of mediums work very well for me. So it’s my number one approach to keep myself shartp and up to date.
Here are few examples of where I educate myself.

Top tools I use

My tools of choise when it comes to being effective and being able to collaborate remotely are:

Recent books I’ve read

Here are few books I’ve read relatively recently and had an impact in some way.

In my studio

Productivity and effectiveness can be designed.

As a life-designer and bio-hacker I'm fascinated by ways of creating the right environment for our bodies to get things done and at the same time keeping it happy and healthy.

That's why my working routine and environment is optimized for that. From a DIY adjustable standing desk, plenty of space to dance and move, easy access to quality nutrition (AKA kitchen) to fuel the day and routines to get the most out of the hours spent working and nearby parks for a "sun and nature break".

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